Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thanksgiving at High Camp
Well it is the last day of November and I am reflecting back on our wonderful Thanksgiving event at High Camp last week. We celebrated with 24 people on Friday evening. It was wonderful. I cooked a 21 pound turkey and a 7 pound turkey breast. They tasted great as I brined them the night before...moist and tender. Everyone brought side dishes which added to the festivities. The food was devine! Who knows, this may become a tradition.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
John Muir Trail - Day 13
August 21, 2012 –mystery lake on Bishop Pass - Bishop
Mileage: 9.5
All night long lightening flickered across the sky. About 1:00 am thunder started and by 3:00 am
we had rain. It stormed the rest of the
night. The rain let up at 6:30 am, so we
began to plan our soggy exit. Don had
slept pretty well until the storms hit hard.
His hand was throbbing. We needed
to get going and get him to the hospital in Bishop today! The trail gained 2000 feet in elevation in
the next three miles, and then dropped 3000 feet in 6 miles to the trailhead,
where we hoped to catch a ride the 21 miles down into Bishop.
We headed out in the cool, cloudy morning. The pass was totally socked in with
clouds. We had no map for this trail and
with the visibility difficulties, we were concerned about getting over the pass
before storms hit again. Sounds like
time for VIA! Found a rocky area with a
beautiful view and brewed up some coffee.
As we sipped the cloud cover raised and we could see our
destination. Bishop Pass is just under
1200 feet and a very nice climb from the west side through areas of meadows and
Injured Don on Bishop Pass |
We rested on the top and took in the towering peaks all
around us. Then we started down. It was a totally different environment, tall
mountains, rocky outcroppings and a steep drop.
The trail was etched into the rock with airy switchbacks. We looked down on big blue lakes below, but
had no idea what the names were. We
hoped the trail would be easier when we got down to lake level. But, alas no, lots of rocks! We continued down as the rocks around us
turned from grey to red. There were more
trees, but the trail was still very rocky.
We asked people that we met if they were going out to Bishop that day
but no luck.
Although the scenery was gorgeous Don and I were worn down
by the stress of the injury, exit and the rocky trail. We were anxious about getting a ride! We had been told that the dislocated finger
had to be taken care of within 24 – 30 hours of injury. Right near the bottom there was an older
woman on the trail with a young woman walking slowly with her. She was carefully hiking uphill. We said hello as we passed. Then I looked back and noticed they were
heading down. Don asked if they were
heading into Bishop. They said no, since
they were staying at a resort near the trailhead. Then, they asked why. When he showed his hand and explained our
situation, they said they were going to Bishop now! Sarah was the mother and this was the first
time she had ever hiked. She was from
Philadelphia. She was truly thrilled to
hear our story and to take care of us.
This brought tears for me! I had
not realized how tense I had been about getting Don to the hospital. Emily, Sarah’s daughter, is an artist and architect
from Los Angeles. She drove us the 21
miles to the Bishop Hospital. On the way
we shared our stories all enjoying learning about very different individual
lives. When we got to Bishop they would
have stayed with us at the hospital but we sent them on their way with one thousand
thank yous!
In Bishop we hiked into the hospital packs, hiking sticks
and all. We trudged down the hallways by
nurse’s stations, doctors and patients on our way to the emergency room which
turned out to be at the back. When we
arrived a nurse was with Don immediately, before we even registered. Over the course of the next two hours he was
x-rayed, doped up and reset. It was a
severe dislocation and Dr. Black stressed resting the finger. There were other follow up procedures. It was a relief that she was so firm about
this. It made our decision to end the
hike a no decision at all.
We checked into the Tree Motel, an older traditional motel
which was friendly, clean, and comfortable.
After delicious showers, we walked into town for a great Mexican meal at
El Rancho, a little café. Taking the
long way back to the motel we strolled, winding down after an arduous day. We were asleep by 8:30!
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
John Muir Trail - Day 12
August 21, 2012 –Sapphire Lake to mystery lake on Bishop
Mileage: 15 Elevation: 10,900 feetMuir Hut on Muir Pass |
Well, Bishop Pass is not on the JMT, but we will get to that
later. This morning we rose early ready
to attack Muir Pass. We were out of camp
at 7 am and on the pass by 9. We had
beautiful weather with great views of rocky peaks and stark expanses. Muir Pass has a cool rock hut built in John
Muir’s name to shelter hikers who get caught in storms. It has stone benches, a mantle, and fireplace
that is “plugged” with rock. Where in the
world would they get wood for a fire anyway?
We began our descent over steep rock through canyons and
waterfalls. A very special beauty here,
with very tedious hiking. We ate lunch
with Mary and Justin and planned our next camp.
Mather Pass is a long ways!
Later, during the descent Don and I soaked our feet in a delicious rushing
stream. We walked by a campsite with a
huge rock that someone had added eyes and pointed teeth to, creating a whale
sculpture. There were chairs formed with
rocks with arms and backs around a campfire circle …very clever.
Well rested, we continued on down the trail. Suddenly I heard a huge noise! I turned around and ran back up the
trail. Don had tripped and fallen, he
was in terrible pain. I had no idea what
had happened. I screamed for help,
feeling very much in the middle of nowhere.
I also blew my distress whistle.
Within two minutes people came running.
There was a Conservation Corps group working on the trail below us. First person there was an EMT…I was so
When we got Don settled we realized he had a badly
dislocated middle finger. There was a
ranger station one mile down the trail.
Lilia, a young woman from the corps helped carry Don’s pack and we
walked to the station. At this point we
fully intended to continue hiking after the ranger “popped” his finger back in
place. During the walk down, Don
realized he no longer had the camera.
Lilia was going back up to the work area after she brought us to the
ranger station and she promised to look for the camera.
At Le Conte Station, Ranger George Durkee spoke with Don
about his injury and radioed a hospital in Fresno for advice on how to
proceed. They agreed that if the ranger
could reset the finger we could continue.
Don wanted to face this procedure and not worry about me, so I walked
back up the trail to search for the camera.
Upon my return Don gave thumbs down.
After many tries and radio help from a physician they were unable to
reset the finger. Don and I were told we
had to get to a hospital within 30 hours or there could be permanent tendon
damage. We were BROKEN HEARTED.
Bishop Pass is six miles above the ranger station at 12000
feet. Then 6 miles below the pass is the
trailhead. Beyond that is a 21 mile
drive to Bishop, the nearest hospital. It
was 4:30 pm. Don and I set out to climb
half way up the pass to a little no name lake to camp. This would put us in Bishop tomorrow, if all
went well. The trail took us straight up
from the 8900 foot level of the ranger station to our campsite at 10,900
feet! It was a huge hike after a very emotional
day. Lilia had returned with our camera!
We left some food and a bear barrel at the station to lighten Don’s load. They will mail those back to us in the
fall. So this night we are camping at a
beautiful lofty campsite on a ledge high up on Bishop Pass for a quick exit out
of the Sierra’s tomorrow. It was a super
sad day!
Friday, November 2, 2012
John Muir Trail - Day 11
August 20, 2012 –Piute Pass Junction to Sapphire Lake
Mileage: 14.5 Elevation: 10,900 feet
Early out this morning due to positioning for Muir Pass
tomorrow and extremely heavy packs! We
are hiking by 7:00am. The trail follows
a canyon created by the San Joaquim River.
At the Goodard Pass turn off we start the steep switchbacks into
Evolution Valley and McClure Meadow. The
trail climbs a huge waterfall and the views are exceptional.
Mary and Justine crossing Evolution Creek |
Evolution Valley |
At the end of the valley we cross the creek and then start
the steep climb that will take us to Evolution Lake. We have seen pictures of this lake in most of
the guide books about the JMT and are excited to visit. It is a tough trail, but the lure of the lake
calls us. As we round a bend and the
water comes into view it brings tears to my eyes…it is that beautiful!
Evolution Lake |
But! We are not
stopping since there are more hiking hours in the day. We continue on around huge Evolution Lake,
with its towering peaks all around, then up to Sapphire Lake. We set up camp at this high windy rocky area,
just 4 miles from Muir Pass.
Campsite at Sapphire Lake |
We hiked with Mary and Justin on and off today and are
camped near them. Together we work out a
plan to hike the next 5 passes most efficiently. Tomorrow may have to be a 20 mile day if we
plan to get over Mather Pass the following day.
Evening at Sapphire Lake is exquisite. We are surrounded by great walls of stone and
high peaks. The setting sun brings out
the deep color and texture in the rocks.
It is a very special place.
Monday, October 29, 2012
John Muir Trail - Day 10
August 19, 2012 –Rose Marie Meadow to Piute Pass Junction
Mileage: 13 Elevation: 8050 feet
We rose to more clouds!
We tried to dry things out a little, but the weather would not
cooperate. Finally, we packed up wet and
headed out. We climbed past high and
exposed Marie Lakes as we headed up Seldon Pass. The sun came out at the pass and we spent
some time there drying our clothes.
Marie Lakes and Seldon Pass |
Don at Heart Lake |
Then, we dropped down to Heart Lake and on to beautiful
Sally Keyes Lakes. The trail then
crossed Senger Creek and descending thousands of switchbacks to our second
cache at Muir Trail Ranch. The ranch
turned out to be a cluster of very old buildings and a stable open only in the
summer. There was a bell to ring when we
arrived at the gate to announce that we needed to pick up our cache. Many other hikers were there sorting food on
old wooden tables under awnings to protect from sun and rain. The area was well organized with places to
sort garbage and recycling, plus catalogued bins for overbought food and
supplies to leave for others. Patt was
in charge of the operation with Jake, from London, England, assisting her. Mary and Justin, a young pediatrician and
professor from Bend were sorting food also.
We had met them at Rose Meadow the night before. Turns out they have the same permit schedule
as we do, so we will see them along the way.
After reloading our packs we hefted our incredibly heavy
loads of food for the next nine days and headed up to a hiker camp at the
entrance to Kings Canyon National Park, where Piute Creek meets the San Joaquin
River. Really great camping, clean and
dry, but crowded. We were able to finish
drying our gear out and have a relaxing evening with NO RAIN!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
John Muir Trail - Day 9
August 18, 2012 –Quail Meadow to Rose Marie Meadow
Mileage: 10 Elevation: 10,000 feet
In the beautiful calm of the early morning at Quail Meadows
we had no idea what lay in store for us this day. We packed up and got on the trail knowing
that our first challenge was a 2000 foot climb of Bear Ridge with very little
water. The Pacific Crest Trail has a
very friendly angle. It was cool and
shaded; we made the climb pretty easily.
Along the way we met a couple. He
had through hiked the PCT and felt we could make Seldon Pass and Sally Keys
Lakes. That really got us excited – we had
not planned to hike that far.
The trail was good and the hiking smooth. By 12:30 we were soaking our feet in a rushing stream, enjoying the sunshine with 8 miles hiked. We realized that Seldon Pass was within our grasp.
Bear Creek |
As the storm increased once again we dove into our
tent. Both of us were
pre-hypothermic. We changed to dry
clothes and warmed up in our sleeping bag.
Thunder and lightning continued to rage.
We rolled our eyes, read, did crosswords and hoped the intense storm
would let up. Finally after another hour
we were able to crawl out of our tent. Don
made soup and hot chocolate! We wandered
through the meadow to check on other campers.
Everyone was soaked, tents were swamped, but all were doing well. This was the worst storm we had ever seen on a
backpack trip and it felt good to be on the other side of it. Drying out would take some time…so much for
the “sunny Sierras”
Friday, October 19, 2012
John Muir Trail - Day 8
August 17, 2012 –Lake Virginia to Quail Meadow
Mileage: 13 Elevation: 7750 feet
Earliest start yet since we wanted to get to Silver Pass before
the bad weather set in. Forecasts are
not good for the next few days. The sky
was cloudy when we woke, but cleared while we prepared to leave. As the sun was rising the remaining clouds
turned pink. Lake Virginia was glowing
and the distant mountains were lighting up.
It was 6:20 a.m. A sunrise like that makes an early start easier.
We dropped down to Tully Hole, a beautiful meadow, and
continued to lose elevation until we crossed Fish Creek; then we began our
climb up to Silver Pass. Along the way we
met John and Lisa, joining them in the ascent.
As we neared the pass views opened up all around….mountains everywhere,
a bonus as we climbed.
At the pass we shared Snickers bars with John and Lisa. They took our picture as we remembered Erik
and Lena’s (our son and daughter in law) tenth anniversary celebrated that day. Don could not help but share a reading from Sunburnt
Country as we sat and enjoyed the summit.
It was a social event!
We hiked down the pass through the wide rocky slopes that
surround Silver Pass Lakes. Part of the
descent drops beside a magnificent wide rock waterfall with steep rocky
switchbacks for hundreds of feet! At the
bottom we soak our feet in the cold rushing water of Mono Creek. The trail follows the creek down to our lowest
elevation yet, 7750 feet. Here there is
a camping area which we happily use since once again the rains are moving
in. This is getting tiresome!
The rain is brief, so we crawl out and make dinner. It is early so we decide to walk the 1¼ mile
to Lake Edison. We are curious since the
water level of the lake is said to be extremely low and the ferry to Vermillion
Resort, where many people stop for respite, is not running. As we leave the camping area we find a note
from John and Lisa, they have hiked on toward Vermillion where they will spend
tomorrow night and pick up their cache.
It is good to get their note and contact information. As we near Lake Edison we come upon John and
Lisa’s campsite and have a chance to say good bye in person around their
campfire. Fun! The lake is down so low it is mostly rocks…and
this is a large lake!
Upon returning to our campsite Scott and Benjamin, a father
and son from Chicago, have built a little fire.
We spend the rest of the evening talking mountains. They have done the JMT before and can give us
lots of information. Ben is spending
next winter as a ski bum and might visit us.
It is a warm night and we fall asleep dry and happy.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
John Muir Trail Day 7
August 16, 2012 – Crater Meadows to Lake Virginia
Mileage: 12 Elevation: 10338 feetEarly out from Crater Meadows, we hike a lovely forested trail to Deer Creek, where we fill up our water bottles since the next 5 ½ miles is dry. The elevation gain is gradual which makes for quick hiking. At one point a lone trail runner comes by. He is racing to meet his girlfriend who is attempting to break the Whitney to Yosemite “hiking” record of 3 days 15 hours! He expects to meet up with her in the next few hours. We hike on pretty excited to show our support for her effort as she passes us.
Soaking feet below Purple Lake |
The lone runner returns along the trail. He has not met up with his girlfriend. He is worried, but believes she probably left
the trail at Vermilion Resort.
We head up the last two miles toward Lake Virginia as the
weather begins to cloud up! The coolness
makes the climb easier. As we arrive at
high, exposed Lake Virginia the force of the storm has increased and we are
engulfed in thunder, lightning and rain.
We quickly move into “rain drill” mode, throw up the tent in a somewhat
protected area and dive in. After two
hours we crawl out as the skies are clearing.
By evening the views are exceptional with high mountains reflected in
Lake Virginia and receding clouds lit up as the sun sets.
Evening light at Lake Virginia |
Friday, September 28, 2012
John Muir Trail Day 6
August 15, 2012 –Rosalie Lake to Crater Meadows
Mileage: 12 Elevation: 8500 feetThe Minerets |
Left Rosalie at 7 am heading for Red's Meadow to pick up our
cache. The trail out was much prettier
than we expected as we gradually dropped in elevation. The trail rises to Lake Gladys then drops to
Trinity Lakes and Johnson Lakes. The
John Muir Trail passes above Devil’s Post Pile National Monument. As the day progressed it grew hotter and
dustier. After 9 miles we arrived at
Red's Meadow at 11:45.
Our Cache |
First stop was the store for cold drinks! Then we picked up our cache bucket and
repacked our food. We realized we
planned for too many trail snacks, so we made a huge donation to the “hiker
barrel” at the store. The campground at
Red's costs $20 and there aren’t even showers!
It was early in the day to camp anyway, so we decided to head south.
Left for hikers in need |
Rainbow Fire Burn |
In the heat of the day we set out across a recent burn with
no shade! The Rainbow Fire destroyed a
lot of land south of Red’s Meadow. The
game was: How far can Chris hike powered
by a huge ice cream sandwich purchased Reds?
After we got our newly heavy packs on we entered the burned out forest
area, making decent progress. After 3 miles
we crossed a beautiful creek and found the campsite of our dreams! We were cooling our heals in the stream in no
time. A lovely spot shaded by tall
trees, much more comfortable than the campground at Red's Meadow.
In the evening we climbed the North Red Cone, a huge cinder
formation, and enjoyed great views of the mountains we had just hiked through
and peaks we would be visiting the next few days. When we got down we found our camping area
population had grown by 5. It was a
merry noisy evening.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
John Muir Trail - Day 5
August 14, 2012 –Garnet Lake to Rosalie Lake
Mileage: 5 Elevation: 9250 feet
Each morning we wake up to sunny clear skies. It is so hopeful! Our tent is sopping wet from yesterday’s
rain. We drag it over to some sunny
rocks to dry out along with the rest of our gear. Laundry is drying also, so we relax and enjoy
one of the most beautiful lakes on earth! The altimeter did not change overnight, so maybe no rain
today! That would be nice, but we aren’t
so sure, so as our wet gear dries we plan our “rain drill” for setting up camp
in a downpour efficiently. We are now
ready for anything!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
John Muir Trail - Day 4
August 13, 2012 –Rush Creek Fork to Garnet Lake
Mileage: 6 Elevation: 9600 feet
Banner Peak |
We headed out around 8:30, crossing the creek and then
climbing up to big broad Island Pass. We
knew Thousand Island Lake was just on the other side and it pulled us over like
a magnet. At first view we stopped for
second breakfast. Banner Peak stood
proudly over the lake. Banner in the
Sky, one of our favorite books. We
continued to enjoy great vistas of the lake as we dropped down to the
shore. Ansel Adams photographed this
scene and made this area very popular.
Reflection in Thousand Island Lake |
We climbed up out of the lake basin and almost immediately dropped
down to beautiful Emerald Lake. Then up
and over another ridge to Ruby Lake, nestled deep within rock walls. A steep climb led us up and over the next
ridge to Garnet Lake. This is another
perfect combination of lake and peaks, recognizable in many Sierra photos. Mt Ritter and Banner Peak tower over Garnet
Lake making a gorgeous combination.
Ritter and Banner Peaks over Garnet Lake |
Thursday, September 13, 2012
John Muir Trail - Day 3
August 12, 2012 –Lyell Canyon to Rush Creek Fork
Mileage: 11 Elevation: 9600 feet
Woke up to clear skies but a wet tent, so we spent a little
time drying out. There was low fog
hanging over the river, our coldest morning yet. To our shock the bear barrels opened pretty
easily this morning…we still have little faith!
We were hiking by 7. The
trail was pretty flat going up the canyon, then climbed like crazy to Donahue
Pass at 11074 feet. This is our first
major Sierra pass and we are excited. We
rise from one bench to another as water cascades down via wild rushing streams
and gorgeous waterfalls. It felt like
the gateway to the Sierras!
Lyell Glacier |
The rain began to let up a little so we crawled out of our
tent and found a sheltered area for cooking dinner. A brilliant rainbow appeared across the
valley. We took a short walk as the
skies cleared, then hit the sack!
Monday, September 10, 2012
John Muir Trail - Day 2
Cathedral Lake |
Cathedral Peak |
August 11, 2012U – Sunrise Ridge to Lyell Canyon
Mileage: 16 Elevation: 8900 feet
Sunrise Ridge held to its name and gently awakened us at about
5:30 am. This worked well, since we hit
the sack early last night. We were
primed for an early start, but ran up against Big Bear Barrel issues! We could not open one of our bear
barrels. We both tried; we pried with a
knife, one of us would hold the other would turn…nothing! Finally, after much anxiety we got it open,
but we have to figure out why it sticks!
We got on the trail just before 7am hiking toward our first
of the ten passes on the JMT, Cathedral Pass.
We could feel the weariness in our bodies from the day before. After second breakfast we felt much
better. The hike down to Cathedral Lakes
was gorgeous. As we hiked down into
Tuolumne Meadows more and more people were on the trail. We were suddenly hit with civilization. We enjoyed the restrooms at this eastern
access to Yosemite National Park, but felt crowded by all the people. We located the JMT and hiked through the
meadows to the Lyell Canyon trail.
Thunderheads were gathering and we could hear rumbling in the
distance. Light rain off and on with a
cool breeze made for a comfortable hike up the Lyell Fork. The trail was flat and easy up a tranquil canyon
through a wide meadow with a lovely river.
When we exited the no camping zone after a 16 mile day we quickly found
a great spot to camp. Far across the
valley we could see a herd of elk.
We set our tent up with the fly since weather was questionable. Our brainstorm solution on the bear barrel
issue was to wash out the barrels, especially the rings at the top and the
inside of the lid. Grime from past
backpacks had accumulated and hopefully cleaning it off would smooth out the
lid movement. Well, when we tried it
still stuck…so we greased the inside with sunscreen! That seemed to help, but the truth would be
told tomorrow when we attempted to open our bear barrels for breakfast. Tucked in our tent for the night with
raindrops clattering down, we slept well!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
John Muir Trail Day 1
Vernal Falls |
Mileage: 13 Elevation: 9600 feet
We leave the Backpacker Camp at 6:30 AM after a light
breakfast. It is about .8 mile to the
John Muir Trail Head. Even at that early
hour the asphalted trail is teeming with Half Dome climbers. It will be a hot day and they want to
complete their 16 mile round trip early.
We hop in line choosing the Mist Trail access – but alas no mist, the
drought has really effected this area.
Vernal Falls and Nevada Falls are gorgeous.
Today we are trying a new breakfast plan: quick breakfast
bar with water in the early morning, so we can get on the trail, and then a “second
breakfast” of coffee and cereal with fruit and nuts a couple hours later. The important part of second breakfasts is
the venue – there must be a view and a beam of sunshine in which to sit and
enjoy it. Our second breakfast happened
high above Yosemite Valley with open views, but this time in the shade! The day was already hot.
After 6 miles the JMT separates and we are on our own! After hiking up with crowds of crazy tourists
(one gentleman has 2 GI Joe's sticking out of his backpack) we are grateful for
the tranquility. As we hike we meet
others heading down to Yosemite Valley and hear about water problems at Sunrise
Camp which is our destination. We will
need to set up a dry camp tonight…which is not a problem as long as you are
prepared for it!
Today’s trek turns out to be our most challenging ever, with
a huge elevation gain of 5600 feet in very hot weather. We manage to make it to the ridge above
Sunrise by 5:30 PM, face planting in the first campsite we come to. The views to the east are grand! Heavenly camping! As we set up camp we hear bagpipes in the
distance. Sunrise Sierra Camp, an
expensive back country camp that is totally posh and catered, is nearby. No fly on our tent tonight! We happily eat dinner, clean up and roll into
bed to watch the sunset, read and finally fall asleep in our cozy tent.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
JMT Yosemite Valley
John Muir Trail
Journal – August 2012
“In the practice of contemplation, one comes eventually to
embrace an apophatic* anthropology, letting go of everything one might have
imagined as constituting the self –one’s thoughts, one’s desires, all ones
compulsive needs. Joined in the silence
of prayer to a God beyond knowing. I no
longer have to scramble to sustain a fragile ego, but discern instead the
source and ground of my being in the fierce landscape of God alone.”
Belden Lane The
Solace of Fierce Landscapes
August 9, 2012 – Yosemite Valley elevation 4000 feet
Don and I arrived at Yosemite Valley in the heat of the day on the YART bus from Mammoth, California where we had left our car. Checking in at the Wilderness Office we experience a very personal introduction by a ranger to the challenges of our hike; bears and bear canisters, waste disposal, water treatment, low water areas, appropriate campsites. We then head to the Backpackers Camp by the longest route possible as we try to decipher Yosemite Valley Mapping 101. A hot 1 ½ mile walk with the end result being a delightfully shaded area across a creek, separated from the crowds and RV madness in the valley.
After we set up camp we venture out in the heat once again to lovely Happy Isle, to locate our trailhead for the next morning. Temperatures are in the 90s and rising over the weekend. We decide to go for an early start to avoid heat of the day hiking at lower elevations. There is a display showing native plants of the area and information on how the valley was shaped by the rock falling from the high surrounding cliffs.
*negative theology – what God is not
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