Well, it was one of those days that the mountain bit back. Big winds! Big snow! The groomer part is in, but in Yakima! Don drives to Yakima to get it from the repair shop. I pick up 3 hearty souls to come up to High Camp for three nights. Shauna, Jeff and Max are a delight. We drive up into the teeth of logging traffic pulling over as four differen loaded trucks drive past on their way down. The loggers are behind too and their road grader went down. So a narrow road with very few pull outs. I guess this is the time to plug the old chained up Suburans that relentlessly get us up the mountain in just about any kind of weather. We make it five miles up the road to mid mountain...but the snowmobiles cannot make it down. The road is drifting out as soon as Rich and James dig it out, an exhauting ordeal. What to do?
For our happy, resilient guests there is no issue. They pull together, gear up, and set off to ski the last 3 1/4 miles to High Camp. Knowing they won't see the rest of their gear until Friday they carry as much as possible. In 2 1/2 hours they are moving into their cabin, settling in for a weekend of awesome skiing. Because... that is what it is all about!
This doesn't happen often...but when it does happen the High Camp staff is stretched to the max! We survive these times because we work with the GREATEST GUESTS EVER!
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